Environmental Science Class with 2 Needham High Students! - Let's Learn Some Stuff!
Friday, October 183:45—4:45 PMLibrary Community RoomNeedham Free Public Library1139 Highland Avenue, Needham, MA, 02494
Looking to learn more about the environment? Join us on Friday afternoons from 3:45 to 4:45 in the Library's Community Room. We will talk about Pollution, Carbon footprints, Recycling, and more! Hope to see you there! Join Needham High School students Aarav and Benjamin as you explore different aspects of the environment. Bring a laptop with chrome - or if you don't have access to one, Chromebooks can be provided for participants.
For those in Grades 2 - 6!
Register for 1, 2 or all 3 events in this fun science filled class series!
The class will meet a few Friday afternoons after school in October (and the first Friday in Novmber), once a week for an hour each. We ask that you are able to attend all (if not most) of the classes as each class will build upon what was learned during the classes beforehand, though if you are unable, and just want to hop into one or 2 of the classes, you are welcome do do that too.
Meeting Dates:
Fridays, October 18, 25th, and November 1st!
All meetings held between 3:45 pm and 4:45 pm in the Library's Community Room on the first floor.
You will need access to an email for any announcements that need to be sent, or last-minute changes to meeting dates that may need to be made.
No former knowledge needed, but Registration Required so we know how many folks to expect :)
If you have any questions, please email: Young Adult Librarian, Erin, at neeya @ minlib.net
Hope to see you there!
Registration for this event has now closed.